Definition of character

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Character (v. t.) To distinguish by particular marks or traits; to describe; to characterize.

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Falcon :: Falcon (n.) One of a family (Falconidae) of raptorial birds, characterized by a short, hooked beak, strong claws, and powerful flight..
Indecisive :: Indecisive (a.) Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character..
Circumflex :: Circumflex (n.) A character, or accent, denoting in Greek a rise and of the voice on the same long syllable, marked thus [~ or /]; and in Latin and some other languages, denoting a long and contracted syllable, marked [/ or ^]. See Accent, n., 2..
Represent :: Represent (v. t.) To portray by mimicry or action of any kind; to act the part or character of; to personate; as, to represent Hamlet..
Hypochondriac :: Hypochondriac (a.) Affected, characterized, or produced, by hypochondriasis..
Quakerism :: Quakerism (n.) The peculiar character, manners, tenets, etc., of the Quakers..
Ruminant :: Ruminant (a.) Chewing the cud; characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed; of or pertaining to the Ruminantia.
Ataxic :: Ataxic (a.) Characterized by ataxy, that is, (a) by great irregularity of functions or symptoms, or (b) by a want of coordinating power in movements..
Mischaracterize :: Mischaracterize (v. t.) To characterize falsely or erroneously; to give a wrong character to.
Chaetopoda :: Chaetopoda (n. pl.) A very extensive order of Annelida, characterized by the presence of lateral setae, or spines, on most or all of the segments. They are divided into two principal groups: Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and allied forms, and Polychaeta, including most of the marine species..
Senile :: Senile (a.) Of or pertaining to old age; proceeding from, or characteristic of, old age; affected with the infirmities of old age; as, senile weakness..
Tricrotic :: Tricrotic (a.) Of or pertaining to tricrotism; characterized by tricrotism.
Personate :: Personate (v. t.) To set forth in an unreal character; to disguise; to mask.
Assail :: Assail (v. t.) To attack morally, or with a view to produce changes in the feelings, character, conduct, existing usages, institutions; to attack by words, hostile influence, etc.; as, to assail one with appeals, arguments, abuse, ridicule, and the like..
Reliant :: Reliant (a.) Having, or characterized by, reliance; confident; trusting..
Anglicization :: Anglicization (n.) The act of anglicizing, or making English in character..
Larcenous :: Larcenous (a.) Having the character of larceny; as, a larcenous act; committing larceny..
Legumin :: Legumin (n.) An albuminous substance resembling casein, found as a characteristic ingredient of the seeds of leguminous and grain-bearing plants..
Self-knowing :: Self-knowing (a.) Knowing one's self, or one's own character, powers, and limitations..
Creolian :: Creolian (a.) Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Creoles..
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