Definition of cavity

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Cavity (n.) A hollow place; a hollow; as, the abdominal cavity..

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Procoele :: Procoele (n.) A lateral cavity of the prosencephalon; a lateral ventricle of the brain.
Pit :: Pit (n.) A large cavity or hole in the ground, either natural or artificial; a cavity in the surface of a body; an indentation.
Pyopneumothorax :: Pyopneumothorax (n.) Accumulation of air, or other gas, and of pus, in the pleural cavity..
Excavate :: Excavate (v. t.) To hollow out; to form cavity or hole in; to make hollow by cutting, scooping, or digging; as, to excavate a ball; to excavate the earth..
Enterocoele :: Enterocoele (n.) A perivisceral cavity which arises as an outgrowth or outgrowths from the digestive tract; distinguished from a schizocoele, which arises by a splitting of the mesoblast of the embryo..
Belemnite :: Belemnite (n.) A conical calcareous fossil, tapering to a point at the lower extremity, with a conical cavity at the other end, where it is ordinarily broken; but when perfect it contains a small chambered cone, called the phragmocone, prolonged, on one side, into a delicate concave blade; the thunderstone. It is the internal shell of a cephalopod related to the sepia, and belonging to an extinct family. The belemnites are found in rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous ages..
Latch :: Latch (n.) A movable piece which holds anything in place by entering a notch or cavity; specifically, the catch which holds a door or gate when closed, though it be not bolted..
Niche :: Niche (n.) A cavity, hollow, or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament. hence, any similar position, literal or figurative..
Sinus :: Sinus (n.) A cavity in a bone or other part, either closed or with a narrow opening..
Deblai :: Deblai (n.) The cavity from which the earth for parapets, etc. (remblai), is taken..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) The muscular and tendinous partition separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen; the midriff.
Arming :: Arming (n.) A piece of tallow placed in a cavity at the lower end of a sounding lead, to bring up the sand, shells, etc., of the sea bottom..
Mine :: Mine (v. i.) A subterranean cavity or passag.
Oostegite :: Oostegite (n.) One of the plates which in some Crustacea inclose a cavity wherein the eggs are hatched.
Sneezing :: Sneezing (n.) The act of violently forcing air out through the nasal passages while the cavity of the mouth is shut off from the pharynx by the approximation of the soft palate and the base of the tongue.
Transfusion :: Transfusion (n.) The act or operation of transferring the blood of one man or animal into the vascular system of another; also, the introduction of any fluid into the blood vessels, or into a cavity of the body from which it can readily be adsorbed into the vessels; intrafusion; as, the peritoneal transfusion of milk..
Mollusca :: Mollusca (n. pl.) One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These animals have an unsegmented bilateral body, with most of the organs and parts paired, but not repeated longitudinally. Most of them develop a mantle, which incloses either a branchial or a pulmonary cavity. They are generally more or less covered and protected by a calcareous shell, which may be univalve, bivalve, or m
Coarctation :: Coarctation (n.) A stricture or narrowing, as of a canal, cavity, or orifice..
Chamber :: Chamber (n.) A compartment or cell; an inclosed space or cavity; as, the chamber of a canal lock; the chamber of a furnace; the chamber of the eye..
Air Cell :: Air cell () A receptacle of air in various parts of the system; as, a cell or minute cavity in the walls of the air tubes of the lungs; the air sac of birds; a dilatation of the air vessels in insects..
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