Definition of borax

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Borax (n.) A white or gray crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors on porcelain, and as a soap. It occurs native in certain mineral springs, and is made from the boric acid of hot springs in Tuscany. It was originally obtained from a lake in Thibet, and was sent to Europe under the name of tincal. Borax is a pyroborate or tetraborate of sodium, Na2B4O7.10H2O..

Lern More About Borax

Bead :: Bead (n.) A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several mineral earths and oxides, as of iron, manganese, etc., before the blowpipe; as, the borax bead; the iron bead, etc..
Borax :: Borax (n.) A white or gray crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors on porcelain, and as a soap. It occurs native in certain mineral springs, and is made from the boric acid of hot springs in Tuscany. It was originally obtained from a lake in Thibet, and was sent to Europe under the name of tincal. Borax is a pyroborate or tetraborate of sodium, Na2B4O7.10H2O..
Flux :: Flux (n.) Any substance or mixture used to promote the fusion of metals or minerals, as alkalies, borax, lime, fluorite..
Tincal :: Tincal (n.) Crude native borax, formerly imported from Thibet. It was once the chief source of boric compounds. Cf. Borax..
Pyroboric :: Pyroboric (a.) Pertaining to derived from, or designating, an acid, H2B4O7 (called also tetraboric acid), which is the acid ingredient of ordinary borax, and is obtained by heating boric acid..
Hematinon :: Hematinon (n.) A red consisting of silica, borax, and soda, fused with oxide of copper and iron, and used in enamels, mosaics, etc..
Scorify :: Scorify (v. t.) To reduce to scoria or slag; specifically, in assaying, to fuse so as to separate the gangue and earthy material, with borax, lead, soda, etc., thus leaving the gold and silver in a lead button; hence, to separate from, or by means of, a slag..
Heteromerous :: Heteromerous (a.) Unrelated in chemical composition, though similar or indentical in certain other respects; as, borax and augite are homoemorphous, but heteromerous..
Frett :: Frett (n.) A vitreous compound, used by potters in glazing, consisting of lime, silica, borax, lead, and soda..
Boracous :: Boracous (a.) Relating to, or obtained from, borax; containing borax..
Boron :: Boron (n.) A nonmetallic element occurring abundantly in borax. It is reduced with difficulty to the free state, when it can be obtained in several different forms; viz., as a substance of a deep olive color, in a semimetallic form, and in colorless quadratic crystals similar to the diamond in hardness and other properties. It occurs in nature also in boracite, datolite, tourmaline, and some other minerals. Atomic weight 10.9. Symbol B..
Boracic :: Boracic (a.) Pertaining to, or produced from, borax; containing boron; boric; as, boracic acid..
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