Definition of tincal

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Tincal (n.) Crude native borax, formerly imported from Thibet. It was once the chief source of boric compounds. Cf. Borax..

Lern More About Tincal

Tincal :: Tincal (n.) Crude native borax, formerly imported from Thibet. It was once the chief source of boric compounds. Cf. Borax..
Altincar :: Altincar (n.) See Tincal.
Borax :: Borax (n.) A white or gray crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors on porcelain, and as a soap. It occurs native in certain mineral springs, and is made from the boric acid of hot springs in Tuscany. It was originally obtained from a lake in Thibet, and was sent to Europe under the name of tincal. Borax is a pyroborate or tetraborate of sodium, Na2B4O7.10H2O..
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