Definition of unavoidable

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Unavoidable (a.) Not avoidable; incapable of being shunned or prevented; inevitable; necessary; as, unavoidable troubles..

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Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) Calmly, without agitation or violent emotion; patiently; as, to submit quietly to unavoidable evils..
Unavoided :: Unavoided (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Stoic :: Stoic (n.) A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek sect which held that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and should submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity, by which all things are governed..
Inevitable :: Inevitable (a.) Not evitable; incapable of being shunned; unavoidable; certain.
Undo :: Undo (v. t.) To bring to poverty; to impoverish; to ruin, as in reputation, morals, hopes, or the like; as, many are undone by unavoidable losses, but more undo themselves by vices and dissipation, or by indolence..
Necessity :: Necessity (n.) The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite; inevitableness; indispensableness..
Unavoidable :: Unavoidable (a.) Not voidable; incapable of being made null or void.
Un- :: Un- (adv.) Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; o
Shunless :: Shunless (a.) Not to be shunned; inevitable; unavoidable.
Inevitableness :: Inevitableness (n.) The state of being unavoidable; certainty to happen.
Inevasible :: Inevasible (a.) Incapable of being evaded; inevitable; unavoidable.
Avoidless :: Avoidless (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Fortuitous :: Fortuitous (a.) Happening independently of human will or means of foresight; resulting from unavoidable physical causes.
Indispensable :: Indispensable (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Unavoidable :: Unavoidable (a.) Not avoidable; incapable of being shunned or prevented; inevitable; necessary; as, unavoidable troubles..
Labor :: Labor (n.) Physical toil or bodily exertion, especially when fatiguing, irksome, or unavoidable, in distinction from sportive exercise; hard, muscular effort directed to some useful end, as agriculture, manufactures, and like; servile toil; exertion; work..
Necessity :: Necessity (n.) That which makes an act or an event unavoidable; irresistible force; overruling power; compulsion, physical or moral; fate; fatality..
Undispensable :: Undispensable (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
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