Definition of stoic

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Stoic (n.) A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek sect which held that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and should submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity, by which all things are governed..

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Stoic :: Stoechiometry (n.) See Stoichiology, Stoichiometry, etc..
Stoke :: Stoicity (n.) Stoicism.
Stoic :: Stoic (n.) A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek sect which held that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and should submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity, by which all things are governed..
Stoichiology :: Stoichiological (a.) Of or pertaining to stoichiology.
Stoichiometric :: Stoichiology (n.) The statement or discussion of the first principles of any science or art.
Epictetain :: Epictetain (a.) Pertaining to Epictetus, the Roman Stoic philosopher, whose conception of life was to be passionless under whatever circumstances..
Stoichiometry :: Stoichiometrical (a.) Of or pertaining to stoichiometry; employed in, or obtained by, stoichiometry..
Stoic :: Stoic (n.) Hence, a person not easily excited; an apathetic person; one who is apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain..
Stoicism :: Stoicism (n.) The opinions and maxims of the Stoics.
Stoichiology :: Stoichiology (n.) That part of the science of physiology which treats of the elements, or principles, composing animal tissues..
Stoichiology :: Stoichiology (n.) The doctrine of the elementary requisites of mere thought.
Philosophy :: Philosophy (n.) Practical wisdom; calmness of temper and judgment; equanimity; fortitude; stoicism; as, to meet misfortune with philosophy..
Stoichiometrical :: Stoichiometric (a.) Alt. of Stoichiometrica.
Stoicity :: Stoicism (n.) A real or pretended indifference to pleasure or pain; insensibility; impassiveness.
Stoichiological :: Stoical (n.) Not affected by passion; manifesting indifference to pleasure or pain.
Logometric :: Logometric (a.) Serving to measure or ascertain chemical equivalents; stoichiometric.
Stoical :: Stoic (n.) Alt. of Stoica.
Stoical :: Stoical (n.) Of or pertaining to the Stoics; resembling the Stoics or their doctrines.
Stoicism :: Stoichiometry (n.) The art or process of calculating the atomic proportions, combining weights, and other numerical relations of chemical elements and their compounds..
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