Definition of tuition

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Tuition (n.) Especially, the act, art, or business of teaching; instruction; as, children are sent to school for tuition; his tuition was thorough..

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Intuitive :: Intuitive (a.) Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning..
Intuitive :: Intuitive (a.) Received. reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; as, intuitive judgment or knowledge; -- opposed to deductive..
Intuitional :: Intuitional (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, intuition; characterized by intuition; perceived by intuition; intuitive..
Perceive :: Perceive (v. t.) To take intellectual cognizance of; to apprehend by the mind; to be convinced of by direct intuition; to note; to remark; to discern; to see; to understand.
Incendental :: Incendental (n.) An incident; that which is incidental; esp., in the plural, an aggregate of subordinate or incidental items not particularized; as, the expense of tuition and incidentals..
Intellection :: Intellection (n.) A mental act or process; especially: (a) The act of understanding; simple apprehension of ideas; intuition. Bentley. (b) A creation of the mind itself.
Tuitionary :: Tuitionary (a.) Of or pertaining to tuition.
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) Superintending care over a young person; the particular watch and care of a tutor or guardian over his pupil or ward; guardianship.
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) A looking after; a regard to.
Reason :: Reason (n.) The faculty or capacity of the human mind by which it is distinguished from the intelligence of the inferior animals; the higher as distinguished from the lower cognitive faculties, sense, imagination, and memory, and in contrast to the feelings and desires. Reason comprises conception, judgment, reasoning, and the intuitional faculty. Specifically, it is the intuitional faculty, or the faculty of first truths, as distinguished from the understanding, which is called the discursive o
Intuitionist :: Intuitionist (n.) Same as Intuitionalist.
Intuitionalist :: Intuitionalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of intuitionalism.
Schooling :: Schooling (n.) Instruction in school; tuition; education in an institution of learning; act of teaching.
Scholar :: Scholar (n.) One who attends a school; one who learns of a teacher; one under the tuition of a preceptor; a pupil; a disciple; a learner; a student.
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) Any object or truth discerned by direct cognition; especially, a first or primary truth..
Sensationalism :: Sensationalism (n.) The doctrine held by Condillac, and by some ascribed to Locke, that our ideas originate solely in sensation, and consist of sensations transformed; sensualism; -- opposed to intuitionalism, and rationalism..
Intuitionalism :: Intuitionalism (n.) The doctrine that the perception or recognition of primary truth is intuitive, or direct and immediate; -- opposed to sensationalism, and experientialism..
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) The money paid for instruction; the price or payment for instruction.
Experientialism :: Experientialism (n.) The doctrine that experience, either that ourselves or of others, is the test or criterion of general knowledge; -- opposed to intuitionists..
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) Direct apprehension or cognition; immediate knowledge, as in perception or consciousness; -- distinguished from mediate knowledge, as in reasoning; as, the mind knows by intuition that black is not white, that a circle is not a square, that three are more than two, etc.; quick or ready insight or apprehension..
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