Intuition :: Intuition (n.) A looking after; a regard to.
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) Direct apprehension or cognition; immediate knowledge, as in perception or consciousness; -- distinguished from mediate knowledge, as in reasoning; as, the mind knows by intuition that black is not white, that a circle is not a square, that three are more than two, etc.; quick or ready insight or apprehension..
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) Any object or truth discerned by direct cognition; especially, a first or primary truth..
Intuitional :: Intuitional (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, intuition; characterized by intuition; perceived by intuition; intuitive..
Intuitionalism :: Intuitionalism (n.) The doctrine that the perception or recognition of primary truth is intuitive, or direct and immediate; -- opposed to sensationalism, and experientialism..
Intuitionalist :: Intuitionalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of intuitionalism.
Intuitivism :: Intuitivism (n.) The doctrine that the ideas of right and wrong are intuitive.
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) Superintending care over a young person; the particular watch and care of a tutor or guardian over his pupil or ward; guardianship.
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) Especially, the act, art, or business of teaching; instruction; as, children are sent to school for tuition; his tuition was thorough..
Tuition :: Tuition (n.) The money paid for instruction; the price or payment for instruction.
Tuitionary :: Tuitionary (a.) Of or pertaining to tuition.