Definition of talion

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Talion (n.) Retaliation.

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File :: File (n.) A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; -- in contradistinction to rank, which designates a row of soldiers standing abreast; a number consisting the depth of a body of troops, which, in the ordinary modern formation, consists of two men, the battalion standing two deep, or in two ranks..
Division :: Division (n.) Two companies of infantry maneuvering as one subdivision of a battalion.
Battalion :: Battalion (v. t.) To form into battalions.
Grenadier :: Grenadier (n.) Originaly, a soldier who carried and threw grenades; afterward, one of a company attached to each regiment or battalion, taking post on the right of the line, and wearing a peculiar uniform. In modern times, a member of a special regiment or corps; as, a grenadier of the guard of Napoleon I. one of the regiment of Grenadier Guards of the British army, etc..
Flank :: Flank (n.) The side of an army, or of any division of an army, as of a brigade, regiment, or battalion; the extreme right or left; as, to attack an enemy in flank is to attack him on the side..
Battle :: Battle (v. t.) A division of an army; a battalion.
Lex :: Lex (n.) Law; as, lex talionis, the law of retaliation; lex terrae, the law of the land; lex fori, the law of the forum or court; lex loci, the law of the place; lex mercatoria, the law or custom of merchants..
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A regiment, or two or more companies of a regiment, esp. when assembled for drill or battle..
Talion :: Talion (n.) Retaliation.
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A body of troops; esp. a body of troops or an army in battle array.
Drill :: Drill (n.) The act or exercise of training soldiers in the military art, as in the manual of arms, in the execution of evolutions, and the like; hence, diligent and strict instruction and exercise in the rudiments and methods of any business; a kind or method of military exercises; as, infantry drill; battalion drill; artillery drill..
Battalia :: Battalia (n.) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops (brigades, regiments, battalions, etc.), or of a naval force, for action..
Army :: Army (n.) A collection or body of men armed for war, esp. one organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions, under proper officers..
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