Accidentality :: Accidentality (n.) The quality of being accidental; accidentalness.
Battalia :: Battalia (n.) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops (brigades, regiments, battalions, etc.), or of a naval force, for action..
Battalia :: Battalia (n.) An army in battle array; also, the main battalia or body..
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A body of troops; esp. a body of troops or an army in battle array.
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A regiment, or two or more companies of a regiment, esp. when assembled for drill or battle..
Battalion :: Battalion (v. t.) To form into battalions.
Capitalist :: Capitalist (n.) One who has capital; one who has money for investment, or money invested; esp. a person of large property, which is employed in business..
Capitalization :: Capitalization (n.) The act or process of capitalizing.
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To convert into capital, or to use as capital..
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To compute, appraise, or assess the capital value of (a patent right, an annuity, etc.).
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To print in capital letters, or with an initial capital..