Accidentalism :: Accidentalism (n.) Accidental character or effect.
Accidentality :: Accidentality (n.) The quality of being accidental; accidentalness.
Battalia :: Battalia (n.) Order of battle; disposition or arrangement of troops (brigades, regiments, battalions, etc.), or of a naval force, for action..
Battalia :: Battalia (n.) An army in battle array; also, the main battalia or body..
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A body of troops; esp. a body of troops or an army in battle array.
Battalion :: Battalion (n.) A regiment, or two or more companies of a regiment, esp. when assembled for drill or battle..
Battalion :: Battalion (v. t.) To form into battalions.
Brutalism :: Brutalism (n.) Brutish quality; brutality.
Brutalities :: Brutalities (pl. ) of Brutalit.
Brutality :: Brutality (n.) The quality of being brutal; inhumanity; savageness; pitilessness.
Brutality :: Brutality (n.) An inhuman act.
Brutalization :: Brutalization (n.) The act or process of making brutal; state of being brutalized.
Brutalize :: Brutalize (v. t.) To make brutal; beasty; unfeeling; or inhuman.
Brutalize :: Brutalize (v. i.) To become brutal, inhuman, barbarous, or coarse and beasty..
Brutalized :: Brutalized (imp. & p. p.) of Brutaliz.
Brutalizing :: Brutalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Brutaliz.
Capitalist :: Capitalist (n.) One who has capital; one who has money for investment, or money invested; esp. a person of large property, which is employed in business..
Capitalization :: Capitalization (n.) The act or process of capitalizing.
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To convert into capital, or to use as capital..
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To compute, appraise, or assess the capital value of (a patent right, an annuity, etc.).
Capitalize :: Capitalize (v. t.) To print in capital letters, or with an initial capital..
Capitalized :: Capitalized (imp. & p. p.) of Capitaliz.
Capitalizing :: Capitalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Capitaliz.
Castalian :: Castalian (a.) Of or pertaining to Castalia, a mythical fountain of inspiration on Mt. Parnassus sacred to the Muses..
Crotaline :: Crotaline (a.) Resembling, or pertaining to, the Crotalidae, or Rattlesnake family..
Dentalism :: Dentalism (n.) The quality of being formed by the aid of the teeth.
Dentalium :: Dentalium (n.) A genus of marine mollusks belonging to the Scaphopoda, having a tubular conical shell..
Devitalize :: Devitalize (v. t.) To deprive of life or vitality.
Digitalis :: Digitalis (n.) A genus of plants including the foxglove.
Digitalis :: Digitalis (n.) The dried leaves of the purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), used in heart disease, disturbance of the circulation, etc..
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