Definition of surety

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Surety (n.) One who is bound with and for another who is primarily liable, and who is called the principal; one who engages to answer for another's appearance in court, or for his payment of a debt, or for performance of some act; a bondsman; a bail..

Lern More About Surety

Surety :: Surety (n.) The state of being sure; certainty; security.
Surety :: Surety (n.) One who is bound with and for another who is primarily liable, and who is called the principal; one who engages to answer for another's appearance in court, or for his payment of a debt, or for performance of some act; a bondsman; a bail..
Liable :: Liable (v. t.) Bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; answerable; as, the surety is liable for the debt of his principal..
Mainpernable :: Mainpernable (a.) Capable of being admitted to give surety by mainpernors; able to be mainprised.
Responsible :: Responsible (a.) Able to respond or answer for one's conduct and obligations; trustworthy, financially or otherwise; as, to have a responsible man for surety..
Borough :: Borough (n.) The pledge or surety thus given.
Mainpernor :: Mainpernor (n.) A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner's appearance in court at a day..
Cautionry :: Cautionry (n.) Suretyship.
Undertake :: Undertake (v. i.) To give a promise or guarantee; to be surety.
Sponsion :: Sponsion (n.) The act of becoming surety for another.
Safe-pledge :: Safe-pledge (n.) A surety for the appearance of a person at a given time.
Borrow :: Borrow (n.) Something deposited as security; a pledge; a surety; a hostage.
Pledge :: Pledge (n.) A person who undertook, or became responsible, for another; a bail; a surety; a hostage..
Justify :: Justify (v. i.) To take oath to the ownership of property sufficient to qualify one's self as bail or surety.
Discuss :: Discuss (v. t.) To examine or search thoroughly; to exhaust a remedy against, as against a principal debtor before proceeding against the surety..
Surf :: Suretyship (n.) The state of being surety; the obligation of a person to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another..
Sponsor :: Sponsor (n.) One who binds himself to answer for another, and is responsible for his default; a surety..
Sureness :: Surement (n.) A making sure; surety.
Surety :: Surety (n.) That which makes sure; that which confirms; ground of confidence or security.
Surety :: Surety (n.) Security against loss or damage; security for payment, or for the performance of some act..
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