Definition of undertake

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Undertake (v. i.) To give a promise or guarantee; to be surety.

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Isopathy :: Isopathy (n.) The system which undertakes to cure a disease by means of the virus of the same disease.
Undertake :: Undertake (v. t.) Specifically, to take upon one's self solemnly or expressly; to lay one's self under obligation, or to enter into stipulations, to perform or to execute; to covenant; to contract..
Proffer :: Proffer (v. t.) To essay or attempt of one's own accord; to undertake, or propose to undertake..
Assume :: Assume (v. i.) To undertake, as by a promise..
Set :: Set (v. i.) To apply one's self; to undertake earnestly; -- now followed by out.
Diligence :: Diligence (n.) Interested and persevering application; devoted and painstaking effort to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduity in service.
Undertake :: Undertake (v. t.) To engage with; to attack.
Underfong :: Underfong (v. t.) To undertake; to take in hand; to receive.
Undertaker :: Undertaker (n.) One who undertakes; one who engages in any project or business.
Mandatary :: Mandatary (n.) One who undertakes to discharge a specific business commission; a mandatory.
Undertaken :: Undertaken (p. p.) of Undertak.
Undertaking :: Undertaking (n.) Specifically, the business of an undertaker, or the management of funerals..
Undertake :: Undertake (v. t.) To assume, as a character..
Undertakable :: Undertakable (a.) Capable of being undertaken; practicable.
Contract :: Contract (n.) The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights..
Perseverance :: Perseverance (n.) The act of persevering; persistence in anything undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any business, or enterprise begun..
Undertake :: Undertake (v. i.) To venture; to hazard.
Job :: "Job (n.) A piece of chance or occasional work; any definite work undertaken in gross for a fixed price; as, he did the job for a thousand dollars..
Undertake :: Undertake (v. t.) Hence, to guarantee; to promise; to affirm..
Regulator :: Regulator (n.) A member of a volunteer committee which, in default of the lawful authority, undertakes to preserve order and prevent crimes; also, sometimes, one of a band organized for the comission of violent crimes..
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