Definition of spoken

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of spoken is as below...

Spoken (a.) Uttered in speech; delivered by word of mouth; oral; as, a spoken narrative; the spoken word..

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Hiberno-celtic :: Hiberno-Celtic (n.) The native language of the Irish; that branch of the Celtic languages spoken by the natives of Ireland. Also adj.
Accent :: Accent (n.) A mark or character used in writing, and serving to regulate the pronunciation; esp.: (a) a mark to indicate the nature and place of the spoken accent; (b) a mark to indicate the quality of sound of the vowel marked; as, the French accents..
Misword :: Misword (n.) A word wrongly spoken; a cross word.
Berber :: Berber (n.) A member of a race somewhat resembling the Arabs, but often classed as Hamitic, who were formerly the inhabitants of the whole of North Africa from the Mediterranean southward into the Sahara, and who still occupy a large part of that region; -- called also Kabyles. Also, the language spoken by this people..
Norse :: Norse (a.) Of or pertaining to ancient Scandinavia, or to the language spoken by its inhabitants..
Inveigh :: Inveigh (v. i.) To declaim or rail (against some person or thing); to utter censorious and bitter language; to attack with harsh criticism or reproach, either spoken or written; to use invectives; -- with against; as, to inveigh against character, conduct, manners, customs, morals, a law, an abuse..
Tongueless :: Tongueless (a.) Unnamed; not spoken of.
Abbreviate :: Abbreviate (v. t.) To make briefer; to shorten; to abridge; to reduce by contraction or omission, especially of words written or spoken..
Explicit :: Explicit (a.) Having no disguised meaning or reservation; unreserved; outspoken; -- applied to persons; as, he was earnest and explicit in his statement..
Persian :: Persian (n.) The language spoken in Persia.
Dutch :: Dutch (n.) The language spoken in Holland.
Turanian :: Turanian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an extensive family of languages of simple structure and low grade (called also Altaic, Ural-Altaic, and Scythian), spoken in the northern parts of Europe and Asia and Central Asia; of pertaining to, or designating, the people who speak these languages..
Type :: Type (n.) Such letters or characters, in general, or the whole quantity of them used in printing, spoken of collectively; any number or mass of such letters or characters, however disposed..
Basque :: Basque (n.) The language spoken by the Basque people.
Articulate :: Articulate (a.) Distinctly uttered; spoken so as to be intelligible; characterized by division into words and syllables; as, articulate speech, sounds, words..
Father :: Father (n.) One of the chief esslesiastical authorities of the first centuries after Christ; -- often spoken of collectively as the Fathers; as, the Latin, Greek, or apostolic Fathers..
Alphabetics :: Alphabetics (n.) The science of representing spoken sounds by letters.
Describe :: Describe (v. t.) To represent by words written or spoken; to give an account of; to make known to others by words or signs; as, the geographer describes countries and cities..
Soft-spoken :: Soft-spoken (a.) Speaking softly; having a mild or gentle voice; hence, mild; affable..
Englishism :: Englishism (n.) A form of expression peculiar to the English language as spoken in England; an Anglicism.
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