Definition of inveigh

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of inveigh is as below...

Inveigh (v. i.) To declaim or rail (against some person or thing); to utter censorious and bitter language; to attack with harsh criticism or reproach, either spoken or written; to use invectives; -- with against; as, to inveigh against character, conduct, manners, customs, morals, a law, an abuse..

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Invect :: Invect (v. i.) To inveigh.
Inveigher :: Inveigher (n.) One who inveighs.
Invection :: Invection (n.) An inveighing against; invective.
Inveighing :: Inveighing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inveig.
Denunciation :: Denunciation (n.) The act of denouncing; public menace or accusation; the act of inveighing against, stigmatizing, or publicly arraigning; arraignment..
Inveighed :: Inveighed (imp. & p. p.) of Inveig.
Inveigh :: Inveigh (v. i.) To declaim or rail (against some person or thing); to utter censorious and bitter language; to attack with harsh criticism or reproach, either spoken or written; to use invectives; -- with against; as, to inveigh against character, conduct, manners, customs, morals, a law, an abuse..
Invective :: Invective (n.) An expression which inveighs or rails against a person; a severe or violent censure or reproach; something uttered or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach on another; a harsh or reproachful accusation; -- followed by against, having reference to the person or thing affected; as an invective against tyranny..
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