Definition of spanner

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Spanner (n.) An iron instrument having a jaw to fit a nut or the head of a bolt, and used as a lever to turn it with; a wrench; specifically, a wrench for unscrewing or tightening the couplings of hose..

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Spanner :: Spanner (n.) An iron instrument having a jaw to fit a nut or the head of a bolt, and used as a lever to turn it with; a wrench; specifically, a wrench for unscrewing or tightening the couplings of hose..
Spanner :: Spanner (n.) A contrivance in some of the ealier steam engines for moving the valves for the alternate admission and shutting off of the steam.
Spanner :: Spanner (n.) One who, or that which, spans..
Spanner :: Spanner (n.) The lock of a fusee or carbine; also, the fusee or carbine itself..
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