Annealing :: Annealing (n.) The process used to render glass, iron, etc., less brittle, performed by allowing them to cool very gradually from a high heat..
Annealing :: Annealing (n.) The burning of metallic colors into glass, earthenware, etc..
Cerealin :: Cerealin (n.) A nitrogenous substance closely resembling diastase, obtained from bran, and possessing the power of converting starch into dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid..
Dealing :: Dealing (n.) The act of one who deals; distribution of anything, as of cards to the players; method of business; traffic; intercourse; transaction; as, to have dealings with a person..
Disrealize :: Disrealize (v. t.) To divest of reality; to make uncertain.
Double Dealing :: Double dealing () False or deceitful dealing. See Double dealing, under Dealing..