Definition of slyly

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Slyly (adv.) In a sly manner; shrewdly; craftily.

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Pipe Laying :: Pipe laying () The act or method of making combinations for personal advantage secretly or slyly; -- in this sense, usually written as one word..
Slily :: Slily (adv.) See Slyly.
Peep :: Peep (v. i.) To look cautiously or slyly; to peer, as through a crevice; to pry..
By-stroke :: By-stroke (n.) An accidental or a slyly given stroke.
Slyly :: Slyly (adv.) In a sly manner; shrewdly; craftily.
Archly :: Archly (adv.) In an arch manner; with attractive slyness or roguishness; slyly; waggishly.
Sly :: Sly (adv.) Slyly.
Elude :: Elude (v. t.) To avoid slyly, by artifice, stratagem, or dexterity; to escape from in a covert manner; to mock by an unexpected escape; to baffle; as, to elude an officer; to elude detection, inquiry, search, comprehension; to elude the force of an argument or a blow..
Subtly :: Subtly (adv.) In a subtle manner; slyly; artfully; cunningly.
Peek :: Peek (v. i.) To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep..
Peak :: Peak (v. i.) To pry; to peep slyly.
Twig :: Twig (v. t.) To observe slyly; also, to perceive; to discover..
Snicker :: Snicker (v. i.) To laugh slyly; to laugh in one's sleeve.
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