Definition of sly

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Sly (adv.) Slyly.

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Paste :: Paste (n.) A highly refractive vitreous composition, variously colored, used in making imitations of precious stones or gems. See Strass..
Nibblingly :: Nibblingly (adv.) In a nibbling manner; cautiously.
Ingeniously :: Ingeniously (adv.) In an ingenious manner; with ingenuity; skillfully; wittily; cleverly.
Magnanimously :: Magnanimously (adv.) In a magnanimous manner; with greatness of mind.
Hugger-mugger :: Hugger-mugger (a.) Secret; clandestine; sly.
Reproach :: Reproach (v. t.) To attribute blame to; to allege something disgraceful against; to charge with a fault; to censure severely or contemptuously; to upbraid.
Morbillous :: Morbillous (a.) Pertaining to the measles; partaking of the nature of measels, or resembling the eruptions of that disease; measly..
Vampire :: Vampire (n.) Any one of several species of harmless tropical American bats of the genus Vampyrus, especially V. spectrum. These bats feed upon insects and fruit, but were formerly erroneously supposed to suck the blood of man and animals. Called also false vampire..
Timeserving :: Timeserving (a.) Obsequiously complying with the spirit of the times, or the humors of those in power..
Crush :: Crush (v. t.) To oppress or burden grievously.
Deftly :: Deftly (adv.) Aptly; fitly; dexterously; neatly.
Maw :: Maw (n.) A stomach; the receptacle into which food is taken by swallowing; in birds, the craw; -- now used only of the lower animals, exept humorously or in contempt..
Black :: Black (adv.) Sullenly; threateningly; maliciously; so as to produce blackness.
Haunt :: Haunt (v. t.) To frequent; to resort to frequently; to visit pertinaciously or intrusively; to intrude upon.
Illiberally :: Illiberally (adv.) In a illiberal manner, ungenerously; uncharitably; parsimoniously..
Bifariously :: Bifariously (adv.) In a bifarious manner.
Bounce :: Bounce (v. t.) To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment..
Sly :: Sly (v. t.) Light or delicate; slight; thin.
Warely :: Warely (adv.) Cautiously; warily.
Slander :: Slander (n.) A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another..
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