Definition of salutation

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Salutation (n.) The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered or done in saluting or greeting..

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Recognize :: Recognize (v. t.) To acknowledge acquaintance with, as by salutation, bowing, or the like..
Bow :: Bow (v. i.) To incline the head in token of salutation, civility, or assent; to make bow..
Good-den :: Good-den (interj.) A form of salutation.
Ave :: Ave (n.) A reverential salutation.
All Hail :: All hail (interj.) All health; -- a phrase of salutation or welcome.
Ave Mary :: Ave Mary () A salutation and prayer to the Virgin Mary, as mother of God; -- used in the Roman Catholic church..
Hail :: Hail (v. t.) An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting..
Welcome :: Welcome (n.) Salutation to a newcomer.
Salutation :: Salutation (n.) The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered or done in saluting or greeting..
Salutatorily :: Salutatorily (adv.) By way of salutation.
Courtesy :: Courtesy (v. i.) To make a respectful salutation or movement of respect; esp. (with reference to women), to bow the body slightly, with bending of the knes..
Nod :: Nod (v. t.) To incline or bend, as the head or top; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness with; as, to nod the head..
Greet :: Greet (v. t.) To address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes; to salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token..
Nod :: Nod (v. i.) To incline the head with a quick motion; to make a slight bow; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness, with the head; as, to nod at one..
Salam :: Salam (n.) A salutation or compliment of ceremony in the east by word or act; an obeisance, performed by bowing very low and placing the right palm on the forehead..
Kiss :: Kiss (v. i.) To make or give salutation with the lips in token of love, respect, etc.; as, kiss and make friends..
Bel-accoyle :: Bel-accoyle (n.) A kind or favorable reception or salutation.
Regreet :: Regreet (v. t.) To greet again; to resalute; to return a salutation to; to greet.
Kiss :: Kiss (v.) A salutation with the lips, as a token of affection, respect, etc.; as, a parting kiss; a kiss of reconciliation..
Regreet :: Regreet (n.) A return or exchange of salutation.
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