Definition of accurately

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Accurately (adv.) In an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect.

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Sulphocyanic :: Sulphocyanate (n.) A salt of sulphocyanic acid; -- also called thiocyanate, and formerly inaccurately sulphocyanide..
Nice :: Nice (superl.) Apprehending slight differences or delicate distinctions; distinguishing accurately or minutely; carefully discriminating; as, a nice taste or judgment..
Truly :: Truly (adv.) Exactly; justly; precisely; accurately; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence..
Accurately :: Accurately (adv.) In an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect.
Define :: Define (v. t.) To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; as, to define a word, a phrase, or a scientific term..
Inaccurately :: Inaccurately (adv.) In an inaccurate manner; incorrectly; inexactly.
Base :: Base (n.) A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles..
Textual :: Textual (a.) Familiar with texts or authorities so as to cite them accurately.
Justly :: "Justly (a.) In a just manner; in conformity to law, justice, or propriety; by right; honestly; fairly; accurately..
Misrelate :: Misrelate (v. t.) To relate inaccurately.
Sulphion :: Sulphinide (n.) A white or yellowish crystalline substance, C6H4.(SO2.CO).NH, produced artificially by the oxidation of a sulphamic derivative of toluene. It is the sweetest substance known, having over two hundred times the sweetening power of sugar, and is known in commerce under the name of saccharine. It has acid properties and forms salts (which are inaccurately called saccharinates)..
Emmetropia :: Emmetropia (n.) That refractive condition of the eye in which the rays of light are all brought accurately and without undue effort to a focus upon the retina; -- opposed to hypermetropia, myopia, an astigmatism..
Exactly :: Exactly (adv.) In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact; accurately; strictly; correctly; nicely..
Misobserve :: Misobserve (v. t.) To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing.
Critically :: Critically (adv.) In a critical manner; with nice discernment; accurately; exactly.
Incorrectly :: Incorrectly (adv.) Not correctly; inaccurately; not exactly; as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated..
Sight :: Sight (v. t.) To look at through a sight; to see accurately; as, to sight an object, as a star..
Inexactly :: Inexactly (adv.) In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately.
Jointer :: Jointer (n.) A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joine.
Conscientiously :: Conscientiously (adv.) In a conscientious manner; as a matter of conscience; hence; faithfully; accurately; completely.
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