Definition of incorrectly

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of incorrectly is as below...

Incorrectly (adv.) Not correctly; inaccurately; not exactly; as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated..

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Preventative :: Preventative (n.) That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
Missend :: Missend (v. t.) To send amiss or incorrectly.
Misconceive :: Misconceive (v. t. & i.) To conceive wrongly; to interpret incorrectly; to receive a false notion of; to misjudge; to misapprehend.
Mispronounce :: Mispronounce (v. t. & i.) To pronounce incorrectly.
Incorrectly :: Incorrectly (adv.) Not correctly; inaccurately; not exactly; as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated..
Fresco :: Fresco (a.) In modern parlance, incorrectly applied to painting on plaster in any manner..
Joggle :: "Joggle (n.) A notch or tooth in the joining surface of any piece of building material to prevent slipping; sometimes, but incorrectly, applied to a separate piece fitted into two adjacent stones, or the like..
Misquote :: Misquote (v. t. & i.) To quote erroneously or incorrectly.
Mishear :: Mishear (v. t. & i.) To hear incorrectly.
Mispunctuate :: Mispunctuate (v. t.) To punctuate wrongly or incorrectly.
Misinfer :: Misinfer (v. t.) To infer incorrectly.
Misrepresent :: Misrepresent (v. t.) To represent incorrectly (almost always, unfacorably); to give a false erroneous representation of, either maliciously, ignirantly, or carelessly..
Ye :: Ye () an old method of printing the article the (AS. /e), the y being used in place of the Anglo-Saxon thorn (/). It is sometimes incorrectly pronounced ye. See The, and Thorn, n., 4..
Drum :: Drum (n.) The tympanum of the ear; -- often, but incorrectly, applied to the tympanic membrane..
Inaccurately :: Inaccurately (adv.) In an inaccurate manner; incorrectly; inexactly.
Miswrite :: Miswrite (v. t.) To write incorrectly.
Hara-kiri :: Hara-kiri (n.) Suicide, by slashing the abdomen, formerly practiced in Japan, and commanded by the government in the cases of disgraced officials; disembowelment; -- also written, but incorrectly, hari-kari..
Misrehearse :: Misrehearse (v. t.) To rehearse or quote incorrectly.
Missound :: Missound (v. t.) To sound wrongly; to utter or pronounce incorrectly.
Misspell :: Misspell (v. t.) To spell incorrectly.
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