Definition of basque

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Basque (n.) One of a race, of unknown origin, inhabiting a region on the Bay of Biscay in Spain and France..

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Incorporative :: Incorporative (a.) Incorporating or tending to incorporate; as, the incorporative languages (as of the Basques, North American Indians, etc. ) which run a whole phrase into one word..
Basquish :: Basquish (a.) Pertaining to the country, people, or language of Biscay; Basque.
Basque :: Basque (n.) The language spoken by the Basque people.
Basque :: Basque (n.) A part of a lady's dress, resembling a jacket with a short skirt; -- probably so called because this fashion of dress came from the Basques..
Basque :: Basque (n.) One of a race, of unknown origin, inhabiting a region on the Bay of Biscay in Spain and France..
Corset :: Corset (n.) In the Middle Ages, a gown or basque of which the body was close fitting, worn by both men and women..
Basque :: Basque (a.) Pertaining to Biscay, its people, or their language..
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