Definition of ripening

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Ripening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ripe.

Lern More About Ripening

Kern :: Kern (v. i.) To harden, as corn in ripening..
Amphicarpous :: Amphicarpous (a.) Producing fruit of two kinds, either as to form or time of ripening..
Advance :: Advance (v. t.) To accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward; to help on; to aid; to heighten; as, to advance the ripening of fruit; to advance one's interests..
Rareripe :: Rareripe (n.) An early ripening fruit, especially a kind of freestone peach..
Prunus :: Prunus (n.) A genus of trees with perigynous rosaceous flowers, and a single two-ovuled carpel which usually becomes a drupe in ripening..
Strobile :: Strobile (n.) A scaly multiple fruit resulting from the ripening of an ament in certain plants, as the hop or pine; a cone. See Cone, n., 3..
Ripening :: Ripening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ripe.
Hypogeous :: Hypogeous (a.) Growing under ground; remaining under ground; ripening its fruit under ground.
Crust :: Crust (n.) An incrustation on the interior of wine bottles, the result of the ripening of the wine; a deposit of tartar, etc. See Beeswing..
Concoctive :: Concoctive (a.) Having the power of digesting or ripening; digestive.
Fructescence :: Fructescence (n.) The maturing or ripening of fruit.
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