Definition of restitution

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Restitution (v.) The movement of rotetion which usually occurs in childbirth after the head has been delivered, and which causes the latter to point towards the side to which it was directed at the beginning of labor..

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Quadruple :: Quadruple (a.) Fourfold; as, to make quadruple restitution; a quadruple alliance..
Orfgild :: Orfgild (n.) Restitution for cattle; a penalty for taking away cattle.
Restitution :: Restitution (v.) The act of restoring anything to its rightful owner, or of making good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or injury; indemnification..
Remitter :: Remitter (n.) The sending or placing back of a person to a title or right he had before; the restitution of one who obtains possession of property under a defective title, to his rights under some valid title by virtue of which he might legally have entered into possession only by suit..
Restitutor :: Restitutor (n.) One who makes restitution.
Inlagation :: Inlagation (n.) The restitution of an outlawed person to the protection of the law; inlawing.
Restitution :: Restitution (v.) The movement of rotetion which usually occurs in childbirth after the head has been delivered, and which causes the latter to point towards the side to which it was directed at the beginning of labor..
Disgorge :: Disgorge (v. t.) To give up unwillingly as what one has wrongfully seized and appropriated; to make restitution of; to surrender; as, he was compelled to disgorge his ill-gotten gains..
Restitution :: Restitution (v.) The act of returning to, or recovering, a former state; as, the restitution of an elastic body..
Restitution :: Restitution (v.) That which is offered or given in return for what has been lost, injured, or destroved; compensation..
Return :: Return (n.) The act of returning (transitive), or sending back to the same place or condition; restitution; repayment; requital; retribution; as, the return of anything borrowed, as a book or money; a good return in tennis..
Indemnify :: Indemnify (v. t.) To make restitution or compensation for, as for that which is lost; to make whole; to reimburse; to compensate..
Reddition :: Reddition (n.) Restoration: restitution: surrender.
Indebted :: Indebted (a.) Placed under obligation for something received, for which restitution or gratitude is due; as, we are indebted to our parents for their care of us in infancy; indebted to friends for help and encouragement..
Disgorge :: Disgorge (v. i.) To vomit forth what anything contains; to discharge; to make restitution.
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