Definition of remitter

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Remitter (n.) The sending or placing back of a person to a title or right he had before; the restitution of one who obtains possession of property under a defective title, to his rights under some valid title by virtue of which he might legally have entered into possession only by suit..

Lern More About Remitter

Remitter :: Remitter (n.) One who pardons.
Remittor :: Remittor (n.) One who makes a remittance; a remitter.
Remitter :: Remitter (n.) One who remits.
Remitter :: Remitter (n.) The sending or placing back of a person to a title or right he had before; the restitution of one who obtains possession of property under a defective title, to his rights under some valid title by virtue of which he might legally have entered into possession only by suit..
Remitter :: Remitter (n.) One who makes remittance.
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