Definition of recurve

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Recurve (v. t.) To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.

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Recurvate :: Recurvate (v. t.) To bend or curve back; to recurve.
Recurve :: Recurve (v. t.) To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.
Babirussa :: Babirussa (n.) A large hoglike quadruped (Sus, / Porcus, babirussa) of the East Indies, sometimes domesticated; the Indian hog. Its upper canine teeth or tusks are large and recurved..
Recurvation :: Recurvation (n.) The act of recurving, or the state of being recurved; a bending or flexure backward..
Recurved :: Recurved (a.) Curved in an opposite or uncommon direction; bent back; as, a bird with a recurved bill; flowers with recurved petals..
Ibex :: Ibex (n.) One of several species of wild goats having very large, recurved horns, transversely ridged in front; -- called also steinbok..
Recurvate :: Recurvate (a.) Recurved.
Acanthocephala :: Acanthocephala (n. pl.) A group of intestinal worms, having the proboscis armed with recurved spines..
Mosasauria :: Mosasauria (n. pl.) An order of large, extinct, marine reptiles, found in the Cretaceous rocks, especially in America. They were serpentlike in form and in having loosely articulated and dilatable jaws, with large recurved tteth, but they had paddlelike feet. Some of them were over fifty feet long. They are, essentially, fossil sea serpents with paddles. Called also Pythonomarpha, and Mosasauria..
Recurvous :: Recurvous (a.) Recurved.
Pendulous :: Pendulous (a.) Inclined or hanging downwards, as a flower on a recurved stalk, or an ovule which hangs from the upper part of the ovary..
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