Irrecured :: Irrecured (a.) Incurable.
Nonrecurrent :: Nonrecurrent (a.) Not recurring.
Nonrecurring :: Nonrecurring (a.) Nonrecurrent.
Precurrer :: Precurrer (n.) A precursor.
Precurse :: Precurse (n.) A forerunning.
Precursive :: Precursive (a.) Preceding; introductory; precursory.
Precursor :: Precursor (n.) One who, or that which, precedes an event, and indicates its approach; a forerunner; a harbinger..
Precursorship :: Precursorship (n.) The position or condition of a precursor.
Precursory :: Precursory (a.) Preceding as a precursor or harbinger; indicating something to follow; as, precursory symptoms of a fever..
Precursory :: Precursory (n.) An introduction.
Recur :: Recur (v. i.) To come back; to return again or repeatedly; to come again to mind.
Recur :: Recur (v. i.) To occur at a stated interval, or according to some regular rule; as, the fever will recur to-night..
Recur :: Recur (v. i.) To resort; to have recourse; to go for help.
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To arrive at; to reach; to attain.
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To recover; to regain; to repossess.
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To restore, as from weariness, sickness; or the like; to repair..
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To be a cure for; to remedy.
Recure :: Recure (n.) Cure; remedy; recovery.
Recureless :: Recureless (a.) Incapable of cure.
Recurred :: Recurred (imp. & p. p.) of Recu.
Recurrence :: Recurrence (n.) Alt. of Recurrenc.
Recurrency :: Recurrency (n.) The act of recurring, or state of being recurrent; return; resort; recourse..
Recurrent :: Recurrent (a.) Returning from time to time; recurring; as, recurrent pains..
Recurrent :: Recurrent (a.) Running back toward its origin; as, a recurrent nerve or artery..
Recurring :: Recurring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Recu.
Recursant :: Recursant (a.) Displayed with the back toward the spectator; -- said especially of an eagle.
Recursion :: Recursion (n.) The act of recurring; return.
Recurvate :: Recurvate (a.) Recurved.
Recurvate :: Recurvate (v. t.) To bend or curve back; to recurve.
Recurvation :: Recurvation (n.) The act of recurving, or the state of being recurved; a bending or flexure backward..
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