Definition of race

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Race (n.) A variety of such fixed character that it may be propagated by seed.

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Terraced :: Terraced (imp. & p. p.) of Terrac.
Retrace :: Retrace (v. t.) To go back, in or over (a previous course); to go over again in a reverse direction; as, to retrace one's steps; to retrace one's proceedings..
Start :: Start (v. i.) To set out; to commence a course, as a race or journey; to begin; as, to start business..
Accolade :: Accolade (n.) A brace used to join two or more staves.
Tracer/y :: Tracer/y (n.) A similar decoration in some styles of vaulting, the ribs of the vault giving off the minor bars of which the tracery is composed..
Un- :: Un- (adv.) Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like..
Hurdle :: Hurdle (n.) An artificial barrier, variously constructed, over which men or horses leap in a race..
Bowgrace :: Bowgrace (n.) A frame or fender of rope or junk, laid out at the sides or bows of a vessel to secure it from injury by floating ice..
Melanochroi :: Melanochroi (n. pl.) A group of the human race, including the dark whites..
Eponymist :: Eponymist (n.) One from whom a race, tribe, city, or the like, took its name; an eponym..
Cover :: Cover (v. t.) To extend over; to be sufficient for; to comprehend, include, or embrace; to account for or solve; to counterbalance; as, a mortgage which fully covers a sum loaned on it; a law which covers all possible cases of a crime; receipts than do not cover expenses..
Anthracene :: Anthracene (n.) A solid hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2H2.C6H4, which accompanies naphthalene in the last stages of the distillation of coal tar. Its chief use is in the artificial production of alizarin..
Spur :: Spur (n.) A brace strengthening a post and some connected part, as a rafter or crossbeam; a strut..
Gracious :: Gracious (a.) Abounding in grace or mercy; manifesting love,. or bestowing mercy; characterized by grace; beneficent; merciful; disposed to show kindness or favor; condescending; as, his most gracious majesty..
Scratch :: Scratch (a.) Made, done, or happening by chance; arranged with little or no preparation; determined by circumstances; haphazard; as, a scratch team; a scratch crew for a boat race; a scratch shot in billiards..
Spinal :: Spinage (n.) A common pot herb (Spinacia oleracea) belonging to the Goosefoot family.
Career :: Career (n.) A race course: the ground run over.
Saraband :: Saraband (n.) A slow Spanish dance of Saracenic origin, to an air in triple time; also, the air itself..
Grace :: Grace (n.) Fortune; luck; -- used commonly with hard or sorry when it means misfortune.
Running :: Running (a.) trained and kept for running races; as, a running horse..
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