Definition of feminine

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Feminine (a.) Having the qualities of a woman; becoming or appropriate to the female sex; as, in a good sense, modest, graceful, affectionate, confiding; or, in a bad sense, weak, nerveless, timid, pleasure-loving, effeminate..

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Desertrice :: Desertrice (n.) A feminine deserter.
#NAME? :: -ess () A suffix used to form feminine nouns; as, actress, deaconess, songstress..
Feminine :: Feminine (n.) A woman.
Female :: Female (a.) Belonging to an individual of the female sex; characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness..
Virile :: Virile (a.) Having the nature, properties, or qualities, of an adult man; characteristic of developed manhood; hence, masterful; forceful; specifically, capable of begetting; -- opposed to womanly, feminine, and puerile; as, virile age, virile power, virile organs..
Female Rhymes :: Female rhymes () double rhymes, or rhymes (called in French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line..
Masculine :: Masculine (a.) Having the inflections of, or construed with, words pertaining especially to male beings, as distinguished from feminine and neuter. See Gender..
Womanly :: Womanly (a.) Becoming a woman; feminine; as, womanly behavior..
Lady :: Lady (n.) A woman having proprietary rights or authority; mistress; -- a feminine correlative of lord.
Feminine :: Feminine (n.) Any one of those words which are the appellations of females, or which have the terminations usually found in such words; as, actress, songstress, abbess, executrix..
Feminate :: Feminate (a.) Feminine.
Masculine :: Masculine (a.) Having the qualities of a man; suitable to, or characteristic of, a man; virile; not feminine or effeminate; strong; robust..
Feminal :: Feminal (a.) Feminine.
Unsex :: Unsex (v. t.) To deprive of sex, or of qualities becoming to one's sex; esp., to make unfeminine in character, manners, duties, or the like; as, to unsex a woman..
She :: She (obj.) This or that female; the woman understood or referred to; the animal of the female sex, or object personified as feminine, which was spoken of..
Femininely :: Femininely (adv.) In a feminine manner.
Smock-faced :: Smock-faced (a.) Having a feminine countenance or complexion; smooth-faced; girlish.
Epicene :: Epicene (a. & n.) Common to both sexes; -- a term applied, in grammar, to such nouns as have but one form of gender, either the masculine or feminine, to indicate animals of both sexes; as boy^s, bos, for the ox and cow; sometimes applied to eunuchs and hermaphrodites..
It :: It (pron.) The neuter pronoun of the third person, corresponding to the masculine pronoun he and the feminine she, and having the same plural (they, their or theirs, them)..
Feminine Rhyme :: Feminine rhyme () See Female rhyme, under Female, a..
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