Definition of pyrene

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Pyrene (n.) One of the less volatile hydrocarbons of coal tar, obtained as a white crystalline substance, C16H10..

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Marmot :: Marmot (n.) Any rodent of the genus Arctomys. The common European marmot (A. marmotta) is about the size of a rabbit, and inhabits the higher regions of the Alps and Pyrenees. The bobac is another European species. The common American species (A. monax) is the woodchuck..
Coffee :: Coffee (n.) The beans or berries (pyrenes) obtained from the drupes of a small evergreen tree of the genus Coffea, growing in Abyssinia, Arabia, Persia, and other warm regions of Asia and Africa, and also in tropical America..
Pyrene :: Pyrene (n.) Same as Pyrena.
Chamois :: Chamois (n.) A small species of antelope (Rupicapra tragus), living on the loftiest mountain ridges of Europe, as the Alps, Pyrenees, etc. It possesses remarkable agility, and is a favorite object of chase..
Izard :: Izard (n.) A variety of the chamois found in the Pyrenees.
Ophite :: Ophite (n.) A greenish spotted porphyry, being a diabase whose pyroxene has been altered to uralite; -- first found in the Pyreness. So called from the colored spots which give it a mottled appearance..
Pyrenean :: Pyrenean (n.) The Pyrenees.
Pyrenean :: Pyrenean (a.) Of or pertaining to the Pyrenees, a range of mountains separating France and Spain..
Cagot :: Cagot (n.) One of a race inhabiting the valleys of the Pyrenees, who until 1793 were political and social outcasts (Christian Pariahs). They are supposed to be a remnant of the Visigoths..
Pyrene :: Pyrene (n.) One of the less volatile hydrocarbons of coal tar, obtained as a white crystalline substance, C16H10..
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