Definition of izard

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Izard (n.) A variety of the chamois found in the Pyrenees.

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Ichneumon :: Ichneumon (n.) Any carnivorous mammal of the genus Herpestes, and family Viverridae. Numerous species are found in Asia and Africa. The Egyptian species(H. ichneumon), which ranges to Spain and Palestine, is noted for destroying the eggs and young of the crocodile as well as various snakes and lizards, and hence was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians. The common species of India (H. griseus), known as the mongoose, has similar habits and is often domesticated. It is noted for killing the
Dragon :: Dragon (n.) A fabulous animal, generally represented as a monstrous winged serpent or lizard, with a crested head and enormous claws, and regarded as very powerful and ferocious..
Lizard :: Lizard (n.) A piece of timber with a forked end, used in dragging a heavy stone, a log, or the like, from a field..
Vermilinguia :: Vermilinguia (n. pl.) A tribe of Old World lizards which comprises the chameleon. They have long, flexible tongues..
Teguexin :: Teguexin (n.) A large South American lizard (Tejus teguexin). It becomes three or four feet long, and is blackish above, marked with yellowish spots of various sizes. It feeds upon fruits, insects, reptiles, young birds, and birds' eggs. The closely allied species Tejus rufescens is called red teguexin..
Monitor :: Monitor (n.) Any large Old World lizard of the genus Varanus; esp., the Egyptian species (V. Niloticus), which is useful because it devours the eggs and young of the crocodile. It is sometimes five or six feet long..
Anolis :: Anolis (n.) A genus of lizards which belong to the family Iguanidae. They take the place in the New World of the chameleons in the Old, and in America are often called chameleons..
Lacerta :: Lacerta (n.) A genus of lizards. See Lizard.
Acrodont :: Acrodont (n.) One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.
Wizard :: Wizard (a.) Haunted by wizards.
Chameleon :: Chameleon (n.) A lizardlike reptile of the genus Chamaeleo, of several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The skin is covered with fine granulations; the tail is prehensile, and the body is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back..
Wizard :: Wizard (a.) Enchanting; charming.
Epipterygoid :: Epipterygoid (n.) An epipterygoid bone or cartilage; the columella in the skulls of many lizards.
Swift :: Swift (n.) Any one of several species of lizards, as the pine lizard..
Wizardly :: Wizardly (a.) Resembling or becoming a wizard; wizardlike; weird.
Eft :: Eft (n.) A European lizard of the genus Seps.
Pachyglossal :: Pachyglossal (a.) Having a thick tongue; -- applied to a group of lizards (Pachyglossae), including the iguanas and agamas..
Lacertilia :: Lacertilia (n. pl.) An order of Reptilia, which includes the lizards..
Shamanism :: Shamanism (n.) The type of religion which once prevalied among all the Ural-Altaic peoples (Tungusic, Mongol, and Turkish), and which still survives in various parts of Northern Asia. The Shaman, or wizard priest, deals with good as well as with evil spirits, especially the good spirits of ancestors..
Skink :: Skink (n.) Any one of numerous species of regularly scaled harmless lizards of the family Scincidae, common in the warmer parts of all the continents..
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