Definition of proverb

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Proverb (n.) An old and common saying; a phrase which is often repeated; especially, a sentence which briefly and forcibly expresses some practical truth, or the result of experience and observation; a maxim; a saw; an adage..

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Say :: Say (v. t.) A speech; something said; an expression of opinion; a current story; a maxim or proverb.
Proverb :: Proverb (v. i.) To write or utter proverbs.
Proverbial :: Proverbial (a.) Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial..
Adagial :: Adagial (a.) Pertaining to an adage; proverbial.
Nayword :: Nayword (n.) A byword; a proverb; also, a watchword..
Brocard :: Brocard (n.) An elementary principle or maximum; a short, proverbial rule, in law, ethics, or metaphysics..
Paramiographer :: Paramiographer (n.) A collector or writer of proverbs.
Byword :: Byword (n.) A common saying; a proverb; a saying that has a general currency.
Feather :: Feather (n.) Kind; nature; species; -- from the proverbial phrase, Birds of a feather, that is, of the same species..
Proverbially :: Proverbially (adv.) In a proverbial manner; by way of proverb; hence, commonly; universally; as, it is proverbially said; the bee is proverbially busy..
Hagiographa :: Hagiographa (n. pl.) The last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, or that portion not contained in the Law and the Prophets. It comprises Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles..
Proverbial :: Proverbial (a.) Of or pertaining to proverbs; resembling a proverb.
Proverbialist :: Proverbialist (n.) One who makes much use of proverbs in speech or writing; one who composes, collects, or studies proverbs..
E-la :: E-la (n.) Originally, the highest note in the scale of Guido; hence, proverbially, any extravagant saying..
Soothsay :: Soothsay (n.) A true saying; a proverb; a prophecy.
By-spell :: By-spell (n.) A proverb.
Proverb :: Proverb (n.) An old and common saying; a phrase which is often repeated; especially, a sentence which briefly and forcibly expresses some practical truth, or the result of experience and observation; a maxim; a saw; an adage..
Strawberry :: Straw (n.) Anything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing; a mere trifle.
Maxim :: Maxim (n.) An established principle or proposition; a condensed proposition of important practical truth; an axiom of practical wisdom; an adage; a proverb; an aphorism.
Parody :: Parody (n.) A popular maxim, adage, or proverb..
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