Definition of balance wheel

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Balance wheel () A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel.

Lern More About Balance Wheel

Balance Wheel :: Balance wheel () A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance)..
Balance Wheel :: Balance wheel () A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel.
Balance :: Balance (n.) A balance wheel, as of a watch, or clock. See Balance wheel (in the Vocabulary)..
Pallet :: Pallet (n.) One of the pieces or levers connected with the pendulum of a clock, or the balance of a watch, which receive the immediate impulse of the scape-wheel, or balance wheel..
Balance Wheel :: Balance wheel () A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; -- often called simply a balance..
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