Imparidigitate :: Imparidigitate (a.) Having an odd number of fingers or toes, either one, three, or five, as in the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, etc..
Imparipinnate :: Imparipinnate (a.) Pinnate with a single terminal leaflet.
Imparisyllabic :: Imparisyllabic (a.) Not consisting of an equal number of syllables; as, an imparisyllabic noun, one which has not the same number of syllables in all the cases; as, lapis, lapidis; mens, mentis..
Imparlance :: Imparlance (n.) Time given to a party to talk or converse with his opponent, originally with the object of effecting, if possible, an amicable adjustment of the suit. The actual object, however, has long been merely to obtain further time to plead, or answer to the allegations of the opposite party..
Imparlance :: Imparlance (n.) Hence, the delay or continuance of a suit..
Imparsonee :: Imparsonee (a.) Presented, instituted, and inducted into a rectory, and in full possession..
Impart :: Impart (n.) To bestow a share or portion of; to give, grant, or communicate; to allow another to partake in; as, to impart food to the poor; the sun imparts warmth..
Impart :: Impart (n.) To obtain a share of; to partake of.
Impart :: Impart (n.) To communicate the knowledge of; to make known; to show by words or tokens; to tell; to disclose.