Definition of primary

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Primary (n.) One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing. See Plumage, and Illust. of Bird..

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Complication :: Complication (n.) A disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected with it..
Transit :: Transit (n.) The passage of a smaller body across the disk of a larger, as of Venus across the sun's disk, or of a satellite or its shadow across the disk of its primary..
Phanerogamia :: Phanerogamia (n. pl.) That one of the two primary divisions of the vegetable kingdom which contains the phanerogamic, or flowering, plants..
Monad :: Monad (n.) A simple, minute organism; a primary cell, germ, or plastid..
Pinus :: Pinus (n.) A large genus of evergreen coniferous trees, mostly found in the northern hemisphere. The genus formerly included the firs, spruces, larches, and hemlocks, but is now limited to those trees which have the primary leaves of the branchlets reduced to mere scales, and the secondary ones (pine needles) acicular, and usually in fascicles of two to seven. See Pine..
Rib :: Rib (n.) In Gothic vaulting, one of the primary members of the vault. These are strong arches, meeting and crossing one another, dividing the whole space into triangles, which are then filled by vaulted construction of lighter material. Hence, an imitation of one of these in wood, plaster, or the like..
Caucus :: Caucus (n.) A meeting, especially a preliminary meeting, of persons belonging to a party, to nominate candidates for public office, or to select delegates to a nominating convention, or to confer regarding measures of party policy; a political primary meeting..
Bronchus :: Bronchus (n.) One of the subdivisions of the trachea or windpipe; esp. one of the two primary divisions.
Prothallus :: Prothallus (n.) The minute primary growth from the spore of ferns and other Pteridophyta, which bears the true sexual organs; the oophoric generation of ferns, etc..
Uranus :: Uranus (n.) One of the primary planets. It is about 1,800,000,000 miles from the sun, about 36,000 miles in diameter, and its period of revolution round the sun is nearly 84 of our years..
Intuition :: Intuition (n.) Any object or truth discerned by direct cognition; especially, a first or primary truth..
Tartramic :: Tartramic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid which is the primary acid amide derivative of tartaric acid..
Hue :: Hue (n.) A predominant shade in a composition of primary colors; a primary color modified by combination with others.
Node :: Node (n.) One of the two points where the orbit of a planet, or comet, intersects the ecliptic, or the orbit of a satellite intersects the plane of the orbit of its primary..
Primogenial :: Primogenial (a.) First born, made, or generated; original; primary; elemental; as, primogenial light..
Somatocyst :: Somatocyst (n.) A cavity in the primary nectocalyx of certain Siphonophora. See Illust. under Nectocalyx.
Solidity :: Solidity (n.) The state or quality of being solid; density; consistency, -- opposed to fluidity; compactness; fullness of matter, -- opposed to openness or hollowness; strength; soundness, -- opposed to weakness or instability; the primary quality or affection of matter by which its particles exclude or resist all others; hardness; massiveness..
Pinna :: Pinna (n.) One of the primary divisions of a decompound leaf.
Protonema :: Protonema (n.) The primary growth from the spore of a moss, usually consisting of branching confervoid filaments, on any part of which stem and leaf buds may be developed..
Literally :: Literally (adv.) According to the primary and natural import of words; not figuratively; as, a man and his wife can not be literally one flesh..
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