Definition of primitive

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Primitive (n.) An original or primary word; a word not derived from another; -- opposed to derivative.

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Primitive :: Primitive (n.) An original or primary word; a word not derived from another; -- opposed to derivative.
Pristine :: Pristine (a.) Belonging to the earliest period or state; original; primitive; primeval; as, the pristine state of innocence; the pristine manners of a people; pristine vigor..
Neurula :: Neurula (n.) An embryo or certain invertebrates in the stage when the primitive band is first developed.
Agape :: Agape (n.) The love feast of the primitive Christians, being a meal partaken of in connection with the communion..
Gonad :: Gonad (n.) One of the masses of generative tissue primitively alike in both sexes, but giving rise to either an ovary or a testis; a generative gland; a germ gland..
Archenteron :: Archenteron (n.) The primitive enteron or undifferentiated digestive sac of a gastrula or other embryo. See Illust. under Invagination.
Radix :: Radix (n.) A primitive word, from which spring other words; a radical; a root; an etymon..
Oscan :: Oscan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Osci, a primitive people of Campania, a province of ancient Italy..
Primitiveness :: Primitiveness (n.) The quality or state of being primitive; conformity to primitive style or practice.
Neurenteric :: Neurenteric (a.) Of or pertaining to both the neuron and the enteron; as, the neurenteric canal, which, in embroys of many vertebrates, connects the medullary tube and the primitive intestine. See Illust. of Ectoderm..
Apothesis :: Apothesis (n.) A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc..
Pristinate :: Pristinate (a.) Pristine; primitive.
Enchyma :: Enchyma (n.) The primitive formative juice, from which the tissues, particularly the cellular tissue, are formed..
Primitive :: Primitive (a.) Original; primary; radical; not derived; as, primitive verb in grammar..
Cingalese :: Cingalese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or natives of Ceylon descended from its primitive inhabitant.
Un- :: Un- (adv.) Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; o
Diminutive :: Diminutive (n.) A derivative from a noun, denoting a small or a young object of the same kind with that denoted by the primitive; as, gosling, eaglet, lambkin..
Prime :: Prime (a.) First in order of time; original; primeval; primitive; primary.
Desiderative :: Desiderative (n.) A verb formed from another verb by a change of termination, and expressing the desire of doing that which is indicated by the primitive verb..
Xerophagy :: Xerophagy (n.) Among the primitive Christians, the living on a diet of dry food in Lent and on other fasts..
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