Definition of poetical

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Poetical (a.) Of or pertaining to poetry; suitable for poetry, or for writing poetry; as, poetic talent, theme, work, sentiments..

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Dimeter :: Dimeter (a.) Having two poetical measures or meters.
Minim :: Minim (n.) A short poetical encomium.
Prose :: Prose (n.) The ordinary language of men in speaking or writing; language not cast in poetical measure or rhythm; -- contradistinguished from verse, or metrical composition..
Prosaist :: Prosaist (n.) A writer of prose; an unpoetical writer.
Poetical :: Poetical (a.) Expressed in metrical form; exhibiting the imaginative or the rhythmical quality of poetry; as, a poetical composition; poetical prose..
Wast :: Wast () The second person singular of the verb be, in the indicative mood, imperfect tense; -- now used only in solemn or poetical style. See Was..
Prose :: Prose (a.) Possessing or exhibiting unpoetical characteristics; plain; dull; prosaic; as, the prose duties of life..
Dactyl :: Dactyl (n.) A poetical foot of three sylables (-- ~ ~), one long followed by two short, or one accented followed by two unaccented; as, L. tegm/n/, E. mer6ciful; -- so called from the similarity of its arrangement to that of the joints of a finger..
Poesy :: Poesy (n.) The art of composing poems; poetical skill or faculty; as, the heavenly gift of poesy..
Cosmogony :: Cosmogony (n.) The creation of the world or universe; a theory or account of such creation; as, the poetical cosmogony of Hesoid; the cosmogonies of Thales, Anaxagoras, and Plato..
Ode :: Ode (n.) A short poetical composition proper to be set to music or sung; a lyric poem; esp., now, a poem characterized by sustained noble sentiment and appropriate dignity of style..
Metre :: Metre (n.) Rhythmical arrangement of syllables or words into verses, stanzas, strophes, etc.; poetical measure, depending on number, quantity, and accent of syllables; rhythm; measure; verse; also, any specific rhythmical arrangements; as, the Horatian meters; a dactylic meter..
Trilogy :: Trilogy (n.) A series of three dramas which, although each of them is in one sense complete, have a close mutual relation, and form one historical and poetical picture. Shakespeare's Henry VI. is an example..
Poetical :: Poetical (a.) Of or pertaining to poetry; suitable for poetry, or for writing poetry; as, poetic talent, theme, work, sentiments..
Reverence :: Reverence (n.) A person entitled to be revered; -- a title applied to priests or other ministers with the pronouns his or your; sometimes poetically to a father.
Poetically :: Poetically (adv.) In a poetic manner.
Gules :: Gules (n.) The tincture red, indicated in seals and engraved figures of escutcheons by parallel vertical lines. Hence, used poetically for a red color or that which is red..
Psalm :: Psalm (n.) A sacred song; a poetical composition for use in the praise or worship of God.
Brotherhood :: Brotherhood (n.) Persons, and, poetically, things, of a like kind..
Song :: Song (n.) More generally, any poetical strain; a poem..
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