Definition of phthalein

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Phthalein (n.) One of a series of artificial organic dyes made as condensation products of the phenols with phthalic acid, and well represented by phenol phthalein. Their alkaline solutions are fluorescent..

Lern More About Phthalein

Phthalin :: Phthalin (n.) A colorless crystalline substance obtained by reduction from phthalein, into which it is easily converted by oxidation; hence, any one of the series of which phthalin proper is the type..
Resorcin :: Resorcin (n.) A colorless crystalline substance of the phenol series, obtained by melting certain resins, as galbanum, asafetida, etc., with caustic potash. It is also produced artificially and used in making certain dyestuffs, as phthalein, fluorescein, and eosin..
Hematein :: Hematein (n.) A reddish brown or violet crystalline substance, C16H12O6, got from hematoxylin by partial oxidation, and regarded as analogous to the phthaleins..
Phthalein :: Phthalein (n.) One of a series of artificial organic dyes made as condensation products of the phenols with phthalic acid, and well represented by phenol phthalein. Their alkaline solutions are fluorescent..
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