Creosol :: Creosol (n.) A colorless liquid resembling phenol or carbolic acid, homologous with pyrocatechin, and obtained from beechwood tar and gum guaiacum..
Creosote :: Creosote (n.) Wood-tar oil; an oily antiseptic liquid, of a burning smoky taste, colorless when pure, but usually colored yellow or brown by impurity or exposure. It is a complex mixture of various phenols and their ethers, and is obtained by the distillation of wood tar, especially that of beechwood..
Creosote :: Creosote (v. t.) To saturate or impregnate with creosote, as timber, for the prevention of decay..
Eosaurus :: Eosaurus (n.) An extinct marine reptile from the coal measures of Nova Scotia; -- so named because supposed to be of the earliest known reptiles.
Eosin :: Eosin (n.) A yellow or brownish red dyestuff obtained by the action of bromine on fluorescein, and named from the fine rose-red which it imparts to silk. It is also used for making a fine red ink. Its solution is fluorescent..
Eosphorite :: Eosphorite (n.) A hydrous phosphate of alumina and manganese. It is generally of a rose-pink color, -- whence the name..
Etheostomoid :: Etheostomoid (a.) Pertaining to, or like, the genus Etheostoma..
Etheostomoid :: Etheostomoid (n.) Any fish of the genus Etheostoma and related genera, allied to the perches; -- also called darter. The etheostomoids are small and often bright-colored fishes inhabiting the fresh waters of North America. About seventy species are known. See Darter..
Geoscopy :: Geoscopy (n.) Knowledge of the earth, ground, or soil, obtained by inspection..
Geoselenic :: Geoselenic (a.) Pertaining to the earth and moon; belonging to the joint action or mutual relations of the earth and moon; as, geoselenic phenomena..
Geostatic :: Geostatic (a.) Relating to the pressure exerted by earth or similar substance.
Geosynclinal :: Geosynclinal (n.) the downward bend or subsidence of the earth's crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms the first step in the making of a mountain range; -- opposed to geanticlinal..
Hylaeosaurus :: Hylaeosaurus (n.) A large Wealden dinosaur from the Tilgate Forest, England. It was about twenty feet long, protected by bony plates in the skin, and armed with spines..