Definition of phrase

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Phrase (v. i.) To group notes into phrases; as, he phrases well. See Phrase, n., 4..

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Forge :: Forge (v. t.) To move heavily and slowly, as a ship after the sails are furled; to work one's way, as one ship in outsailing another; -- used especially in the phrase to forge ahead..
Rebus :: Rebus (n.) A mode of expressing words and phrases by pictures of objects whose names resemble those words, or the syllables of which they are composed; enigmatical representation of words by figures; hence, a peculiar form of riddle made up of such representations..
Pass :: Pass (v. i.) To go; to move; to proceed; to be moved or transferred from one point to another; to make a transit; -- usually with a following adverb or adverbal phrase defining the kind or manner of motion; as, to pass on, by, out, in, etc.; to pass swiftly, directly, smoothly, etc.; to pass to the rear, under the yoke, over the bridge, across the field, beyond the border, etc..
Ursa :: Ursa (n.) Either one of the Bears. See the Phrases below.
Africanism :: Africanism (n.) A word, phrase, idiom, or custom peculiar to Africa or Africans..
Jar :: Jar (n.) A turn. [Only in phrase..
Intercalation :: Intercalation (n.) The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical composition; specif. (Geol.), the intrusion of a bed or layer between other layers..
Simile :: Simile (n.) A word or phrase by which anything is likened, in one or more of its aspects, to something else; a similitude; a poetical or imaginative comparison..
Define :: Define (v. t.) To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; as, to define a word, a phrase, or a scientific term..
Good :: Good (superl.) Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth.
Usage :: Usage (n.) Customary use or employment, as of a word or phrase in a particular sense or signification..
Idiomatical :: Idiomatical (a.) Of or pertaining to, or conforming to, the mode of expression peculiar to a language; as, an idiomatic meaning; an idiomatic phrase..
Inversion :: Inversion (n.) A change of the usual order of words or phrases; as, of all vices, impurity is one of the most detestable, instead of, impurity is one of the most detestable of all vices..
Parenthesis :: Parenthesis (n.) One of the curved lines () which inclose a parenthetic word or phrase.
Language :: Language (n.) The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge; as, medical language; the language of chemistry or theology..
Coss :: Coss (n.) A thing (only in phrase below).
Showbread :: Showbread (n.) Bread of exhibition; loaves to set before God; -- the term used in translating the various phrases used in the Hebrew and Greek to designate the loaves of bread which the priest of the week placed before the Lord on the golden table in the sanctuary. They were made of fine flour unleavened, and were changed every Sabbath. The loaves, twelve in number, represented the twelve tribes of Israel. They were to be eaten by the priests only, and in the Holy Place..
Paraphrased :: Paraphrased (imp. & p. p.) of Paraphras.
Style :: Style (v. t.) Mode or phrase by which anything is formally designated; the title; the official designation of any important body; mode of address; as, the style of Majesty..
Affirmative :: Affirmative (n.) A word or phrase expressing affirmation or assent; as, yes, that is so, etc..
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