Definition of ursa

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Ursa (n.) Either one of the Bears. See the Phrases below.

Lern More About Ursa

B :: B () is the second letter of the English alphabet. (See Guide to Pronunciation, // 196, 220.) It is etymologically related to p, v, f, w and m , letters representing sounds having a close organic affinity to its own sound; as in Eng. bursar and purser; Eng. bear and Lat. ferre; Eng. silver and Ger. silber; Lat. cubitum and It. gomito; Eng. seven, Anglo-Saxon seofon, Ger. sieben, Lat. septem, Gr.epta`, Sanskrit saptan. The form of letter B is Roman, from Greek B (Beta), of Semitic origin. The sma
Bear :: Bear (n.) One of two constellations in the northern hemisphere, called respectively the Great Bear and the Lesser Bear, or Ursa Major and Ursa Minor..
Wagoner :: Wagoner (n.) The constellation Charles's Wain, or Ursa Major. See Ursa major, under Ursa..
Surseance :: Sursanure (n.) A wound healed or healing outwardly only.
Recursant :: Recursant (a.) Displayed with the back toward the spectator; -- said especially of an eagle.
Bunion :: Bunion (n.) An enlargement and inflammation of a small membranous sac (one of the bursae muscosae), usually occurring on the first joint of the great toe..
Reimbursable :: Reimbursable (a.) Capable of being repaid; repayable.
Bursal :: Bursal (a.) Of or pertaining to a bursa or to bursae.
#NAME? :: -ries (pl. ) of Bursar.
Bursary :: Bursary (n.) The treasury of a college or monastery.
Bursarship :: Bursarship (n.) The office of a bursar.
Septentrio :: Septentrio (n.) The constellation Ursa Major.
Unicursal :: Unicursal (a.) That can be passed over in a single course; -- said of a curve when the coordinates of the point on the curve can be expressed as rational algebraic functions of a single parameter /.
Bursa :: Bursa (n.) Any sac or saclike cavity; especially, one of the synovial sacs, or small spaces, often lined with synovial membrane, interposed between tendons and bony prominences..
Bursary :: Bursary (n.) A scholarship or charitable foundation in a university, as in Scotland; a sum given to enable a student to pursue his studies..
Bursitis :: Bursitis (n.) Inflammation of a bursa.
Circumcursation :: Circumcursation (n.) The act of running about; also, rambling language..
Ursa :: Ursa (n.) Either one of the Bears. See the Phrases below.
Kursaal :: Kursaal (n.) A public hall or room, for the use of visitors at watering places and health resorts in Germany..
Ursal :: Ursal (n.) The ursine seal. See the Note under 1st Seal.
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