Definition of omentum

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Omentum (n.) A free fold of the peritoneum, or one serving to connect viscera, support blood vessels, etc.; an epiploon..

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Momentum :: Momentum (n.) The quantity of motion in a moving body, being always proportioned to the quantity of matter multiplied into the velocity; impetus..
Impetus :: Impetus (n.) A property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its weight and its motion; the force with which any body is driven or impelled; momentum.
Proportional :: Proportional (a.) Constituting a proportion; having the same, or a constant, ratio; as, proportional quantities; momentum is proportional to quantity of matter..
Gastroepiploic :: Gastroepiploic (a.) Of or pertaining to the stomach and omentum.
Gastrocolic :: Gastrocolic (a.) Pertaining to both the stomach and the colon; as, the gastrocolic, or great, omentum..
Momentums :: Momentums (pl. ) of Momentu.
Momentum :: Momentum (n.) Essential element, or constituent element..
Pendulum :: Pendulum (n.) A body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity and momentum. It is used to regulate the movements of clockwork and other machinery.
Shoot :: Shoot (v. i.) To move ahead by force of momentum, as a sailing vessel when the helm is put hard alee..
Caul :: Caul (n.) The fold of membrane loaded with fat, which covers more or less of the intestines in mammals; the great omentum. See Omentum..
Momental :: Momental (a.) Of or pertaining to moment or momentum.
Omental :: Omental (a.) Of or pertaining to an omentum or the omenta.
Omentum :: Omentum (n.) A free fold of the peritoneum, or one serving to connect viscera, support blood vessels, etc.; an epiploon..
Tomentum :: Tomentum (n.) The closely matted hair or downy nap covering the leaves or stems of some plants.
Epiploon :: Epiploon (n.) See Omentum.
Moment :: Moment (n.) Impulsive power; force; momentum.
Deaden :: Deaden (a.) To lessen the velocity or momentum of; to retard; as, to deaden a ship's headway..
Gastrohepatic :: Gastrohepatic (a.) Pertaining to the stomach and liver; hepatogastric; as, the gastrohepatic, or lesser, omentum..
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