Definition of impetus

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Impetus (n.) A property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its weight and its motion; the force with which any body is driven or impelled; momentum.

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Birr :: Birr (n.) A rush or impetus; force.
Momentum :: Momentum (n.) The quantity of motion in a moving body, being always proportioned to the quantity of matter multiplied into the velocity; impetus..
Impetus :: Impetus (n.) A property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its weight and its motion; the force with which any body is driven or impelled; momentum.
Ovulist :: Ovulist (n.) A believer in the theory (called encasement theory), current during the last century, that the egg was the real animal germ, and that at the time of fecundation the spermatozoa simply gave the impetus which caused the unfolding of the egg, in which all generations were inclosed one within the other. Also called ovist..
Impetuous :: Impetuous (a.) Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent; as, an impetuous wind; an impetuous torrent..
Impetus :: Impetus (n.) The aititude through which a heavy body must fall to acquire a velocity equal to that with which a ball is discharged from a piece.
Impetus :: Impetus (n.) Fig.: Impulse; incentive; vigor; force.
Bent :: Bent (v.) Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.
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