Definition of nervous

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Nervous (a.) possessing nerve; sinewy; strong; vigorous.

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Hallucination :: Hallucination (n.) The perception of objects which have no reality, or of sensations which have no corresponding external cause, arising from disorder or the nervous system, as in delirium tremens; delusion..
Tarantism :: Tarantism (n.) A nervous affection producing melancholy, stupor, and an uncontrollable desire to dance. It was supposed to be produced by the bite of the tarantula, and considered to be incapable of cure except by protracted dancing to appropriate music..
Cough :: Cough (v. i.) A sudden, noisy, and violent expulsion of air from the chest, caused by irritation in the air passages, or by the reflex action of nervous or gastric disorder, etc..
Neuralgia :: Neuralgia (n.) A disease, the chief symptom of which is a very acute pain, exacerbating or intermitting, which follows the course of a nervous branch, extends to its ramifications, and seems therefore to be seated in the nerve. It seems to be independent of any structural lesion..
Sensorium :: Sensorium (n.) The seat of sensation; the nervous center or centers to which impressions from the external world must be conveyed before they can be perceived; the place where external impressions are localized, and transformed into sensations, prior to being reflected to other parts of the organism; hence, the whole nervous system, when animated, so far as it is susceptible of common or special sensations..
Sensation :: Sensation (n.) An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable, produced either by an external object (stimulus), or by some change in the internal state of the body..
Ataxy :: Ataxy (n.) The state of disorder that characterizes nervous fevers and the nervous condition.
Neural :: Neural (a.) relating to the nerves or nervous system; taining to, situated in the region of, or on the side with, the neural, or cerebro-spinal, axis; -- opposed to hemal. As applied to vertebrates, neural is the same as dorsal; as applied to invertebrates it is usually the same as ventral. Cf. Hemal..
Peduncle :: Peduncle (n.) A band of nervous or fibrous matter connecting different parts of the brain; as, the peduncles of the cerebellum; the peduncles of the pineal gland..
Hysteria :: Hysteria (n.) A nervous affection, occurring almost exclusively in women, in which the emotional and reflex excitability is exaggerated, and the will power correspondingly diminished, so that the patient loses control over the emotions, becomes the victim of imaginary sensations, and often falls into paroxism or fits..
Glioma :: Glioma (n.) A tumor springing from the neuroglia or connective tissue of the brain, spinal cord, or other portions of the nervous system..
Stiacciato :: Sthenic (a.) Strong; active; -- said especially of morbid states attended with excessive action of the heart and blood vessels, and characterized by strength and activity of the muscular and nervous system; as, a sthenic fever..
Fornix :: Fornix (n.) Esp., two longitudinal bands of white nervous tissue beneath the lateral ventricles of the brain..
Neurotic :: Neurotic (a.) Of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; nervous; as, a neurotic disease..
Peripheral :: Peripheral (a.) External; away from the center; as, the peripheral portion of the nervous system..
Neurology :: Neurology (n.) The branch of science which treats of the nervous system.
Nervine :: Nervine (a.) Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.
Anaesthetization :: Anaesthetization (n.) The process of anaesthetizing; also, the condition of the nervous system induced by anaesthetics..
Neuro-epidermal :: Neuro-epidermal (a.) Pertaining to, or giving rise to, the central nervous system and epiderms; as, the neuroepidermal, or epiblastic, layer of the blastoderm..
Sturgeon :: Sturdy (n.) A disease in sheep and cattle, marked by great nervousness, or by dullness and stupor..
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