Alkaloid :: Alkaloid (n.) An organic base, especially one of a class of substances occurring ready formed in the tissues of plants and the bodies of animals..
Alkaloidal :: Alkaloidal (a.) Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, alkali..
Aloin :: Aloin (n.) A bitter purgative principle in aloes.
Amygdaloid :: Amygdaloid (n.) A variety of trap or basaltic rock, containing small cavities, occupied, wholly or in part, by nodules or geodes of different minerals, esp. agates, quartz, calcite, and the zeolites. When the imbedded minerals are detached or removed by decomposition, it is porous, like lava..
Amyloid :: Amyloid (n.) A non-nitrogenous starchy food; a starchlike substance.
Amyloid :: Amyloid (n.) The substance deposited in the organs in amyloid degeneration.
Amyloidal :: Amyloidal (a.) Resembling or containing amyl; starchlike.
Anneloid :: Anneloid (n.) An animal resembling an annelid.
Annuloid :: Annuloid (a.) Of or pertaining to the Annuloida.
Annuloida :: Annuloida (n. pl.) A division of the Articulata, including the annelids and allied groups; sometimes made to include also the helminths and echinoderms..
Antiloimic :: Antiloimic (n.) A remedy against the plague.
Astragaloid :: Astragaloid (a.) Resembling the astragalus in form.
Bdelloidea :: Bdelloidea (n. pl.) The order of Annulata which includes the leeches. See Hirudinea.
Berylloid :: Berylloid (n.) A solid consisting of a double twelve-sided pyramid; -- so called because the planes of this form occur on crystals of beryl.
Celluloid :: Celluloid (n.) A substance composed essentially of gun cotton and camphor, and when pure resembling ivory in texture and color, but variously colored to imitate coral, tortoise shell, amber, malachite, etc. It is used in the manufacture of jewelry and many small articles, as combs, brushes, collars, and cuffs; -- originally called xylonite..
Cloisonne :: Cloisonne (a.) Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of a kind of metal wire secured to the ground; as distinguished from champleve enamel, in which the ground is engraved or scooped out to receive the enamel..