Definition of mufti

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Mufti (n.) Citizen's dress when worn by a naval or military officer; -- a term derived from the British service in India.

Lern More About Mufti

Mufti :: Mufti (n.) An official expounder of Mohammedan law.
Muftis :: Muftis (pl. ) of Muft.
Fetwah :: Fetwah (n.) A written decision of a Turkish mufti on some point of law.
Ulema :: Ulema (n.) A college or corporation in Turkey composed of the hierarchy, namely, the imams, or ministers of religion, the muftis, or doctors of law, and the cadis, or administrators of justice..
Mufti :: Mufti (n.) Citizen's dress when worn by a naval or military officer; -- a term derived from the British service in India.
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