Definition of mortality

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Mortality (n.) The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying.

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Blue :: Blue (superl.) Severe or over strict in morals; gloom; as, blue and sour religionists; suiting one who is over strict in morals; inculcating an impracticable, severe, or gloomy mortality; as, blue laws..
Lethality :: Lethality (n.) The quality of being lethal; mortality.
Immortality :: Immortality (n.) The quality or state of being immortal; exemption from death and annihilation; unending existance; as, the immortality of the soul..
Theodicy :: Theodicy (n.) That department of philosophy which treats of the being, perfections, and government of God, and the immortality of the soul..
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) Those who are, or that which is, mortal; the human cace; humanity; human nature..
Ambrosia :: Ambrosia (n.) The fabled food of the gods (as nectar was their drink), which conferred immortality upon those who partook of it..
Demography :: Demography (n.) The study of races, as to births, marriages, mortality, health, etc..
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) Human life; the life of a mortal being.
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying.
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) The whole sum or number of deaths in a given time or a given community; also, the proportion of deaths to population, or to a specific number of the population; death rate; as, a time of great, or low, mortality; the mortality among the settlers was alarming..
Valhalla :: Valhalla (n.) The palace of immortality, inhabited by the souls of heroes slain in battle..
Eternity :: Eternity (n.) Condition which begins at death; immortality.
Acacia :: Acacia (n.) A roll or bag, filled with dust, borne by Byzantine emperors, as a memento of mortality. It is represented on medals..
Immortality :: Immortality (n.) Exemption from oblivion; perpetuity; as, the immortality of fame..
Amrita :: Amrita (n.) Immortality; also, the nectar conferring immortality..
Plague :: Plague (n.) An acute malignant contagious fever, that often prevails in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, and has at times visited the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality; hence, any pestilence; as, the great London plague..
Mortalness :: Mortalness (n.) Quality of being mortal; mortality.
Phenix :: Phenix (n.) A bird fabled to exist single, to be consumed by fire by its own act, and to rise again from its ashes. Hence, an emblem of immortality..
Immortalist :: Immortalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of the immortality of the soul.
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) Death; destruction.
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