Definition of morphology

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Morphology (n.) That branch of biology which deals with the structure of animals and plants, treating of the forms of organs and describing their varieties, homologies, and metamorphoses. See Tectology, and Promorphology..

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Morphology :: Morphology (n.) That branch of biology which deals with the structure of animals and plants, treating of the forms of organs and describing their varieties, homologies, and metamorphoses. See Tectology, and Promorphology..
Anthropomorphology :: Anthropomorphology (n.) The application to God of terms descriptive of human beings.
Promorphologist :: Promorphologist (n.) One versed in the science of promorphology.
Organology :: Organology (n.) That branch of biology which treats, in particular, of the organs of animals and plants. See Morphology..
Homomorphy :: Homomorphy (n.) Similarity of form; resemblance in external characters, while widely different in fundamental structure; resemblance in geometric ground form. See Homophyly, Promorphology..
Tectology :: Tectology (n.) A division of morphology created by Haeckel; the science of organic individuality constituting the purely structural portion of morphology, in which the organism is regarded as composed of organic individuals of different orders, each organ being considered an individual. See Promorphology, and Morphon..
Morphologist :: Morphologist (n.) One who is versed in the science of morphology.
Homopolic :: Homopolic (a.) In promorphology, pertaining to or exhibiting that kind of organic form, in which the stereometric ground form is a pyramid, with similar poles. See Promorphology..
Morphological :: Morphological (a.) Of, pertaining to, or according to, the principles of morphology..
Homaxonial :: Homaxonial (a.) Relating to that kind of homology or symmetry, the mathematical conception of organic form, in which all axes are equal. See under Promorphology..
Promerphological :: Promerphological (a.) Relating to promorphology; as, a promorphological conception..
Promorphology :: Promorphology (n.) Crystallography of organic forms; -- a division of morphology created by Haeckel. It is essentially stereometric, and relates to a mathematical conception of organic forms. See Tectology..
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