Definition of assize

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Assize (n.) An assembly of knights and other substantial men, with a bailiff or justice, in a certain place and at a certain time, for public business..

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Assize :: Assize (n.) A court, the sitting or session of a court, for the trial of processes, whether civil or criminal, by a judge and jury..
Assize :: Assize (n.) A kind of writ or real action.
Assize :: Assize (v.) To fix the weight, measure, or price of, by an ordinance or regulation of authority..
Chapiter :: Chapiter (n.) A summary in writing of such matters as are to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre, or justices of assize, or of the peace, in their sessions; -- also called articles..
Assize :: Assize (n.) A special kind of jury or inquest.
Assize :: Assize (v.) To assess; to value; to rate.
Recognizance :: Recognizance (n.) The verdict of a jury impaneled upon assize.
Assize :: Assize (n.) Measure; dimension; size.
Assize :: Assize (n.) The time or place of holding the court of assize; -- generally in the plural, assizes..
Taxer :: Taxer (n.) One of two officers chosen yearly to regulate the assize of bread, and to see the true gauge of weights and measures is observed..
Verderor :: Verderor (n.) An officer who has the charge of the king's forest, to preserve the vert and venison, keep the assizes, view, receive, and enroll attachments and presentments of all manner of trespasses..
Assize :: Assize (n.) A statute or ordinance in general. Specifically: (1) A statute regulating the weight, measure, and proportions of ingredients and the price of articles sold in the market; as, the assize of bread and other provisions; (2) A statute fixing the standard of weights and measures..
Size :: Size (n.) A settled quantity or allowance. See Assize.
Assized :: Assized (imp. & p. p.) of Assiz.
Assize :: Assize (n.) A verdict or finding of a jury upon such writ.
Assize :: Assize (n.) Anything fixed or reduced to a certainty in point of time, number, quantity, quality, weight, measure, etc.; as, rent of assize..
Arraign :: Arraign (v. t.) To appeal to; to demand; as, to arraign an assize of novel disseizin..
Assizer :: Assizer (n.) An officer who has the care or inspection of weights and measures, etc..
Assize :: Assize (n.) The periodical sessions of the judges of the superior courts in every county of England for the purpose of administering justice in the trial and determination of civil and criminal cases; -- usually in the plural.
Assize :: Assize (n.) An assembly of knights and other substantial men, with a bailiff or justice, in a certain place and at a certain time, for public business..
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