Definition of monitor

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Monitor (n.) An ironclad war vessel, very low in the water, and having one or more heavily-armored revolving turrets, carrying heavy guns..

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Lacasterian :: Lacasterian (a.) Of or pertaining to the monitorial system of instruction followed by Joseph Lancaster, of England, in which advanced pupils in a school teach pupils below them..
Commonitive :: Commonitive (a.) Monitory.
Monitor :: Monitor (n.) A tool holder, as for a lathe, shaped like a low turret, and capable of being revolved on a vertical pivot so as to bring successively the several tools in holds into proper position for cutting..
Monitorial :: Monitorial (a.) Done or performed by a monitor; as, monitorial work; conducted or taught by monitors; as, a monitorial school; monitorial instruction..
Premonitor :: Premonitor (n.) One who, or that which, gives premonition..
Prepositor :: Prepositor (n.) A scholar appointed to inspect other scholars; a monitor.
Water Lizard :: Water lizard () Any aquatic lizard of the genus Varanus, as the monitor of the Nile. See Monitor, n., 3..
Sauvegarde :: Sauvegarde (n.) The monitor.
Commonitory :: Commonitory (a.) Calling to mind; giving admonition.
Admonitory :: Admonitory (a.) That conveys admonition; warning or reproving; as, an admonitory glance..
Aura :: Aura (n.) The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics..
Exemplary :: Exemplary (a.) Serving as a warning; monitory; as, exemplary justice, punishment, or damages..
Monitor :: Monitor (n.) Hence, specifically, a pupil selected to look to the school in the absence of the instructor, to notice the absence or faults of the scholars, or to instruct a division or class..
Monitorially :: Monitorially (adv.) In a monitorial manner.
Admonitor :: Admonitor (n.) Admonisher; monitor.
Monitorship :: Monitorship (n.) The post or office of a monitor.
Monitorial :: Monitorial (a.) Of or pertaining to a monitor or monitors.
Mentor :: Mentor (n.) A wise and faithful counselor or monitor.
Monitor :: Monitor (n.) An ironclad war vessel, very low in the water, and having one or more heavily-armored revolving turrets, carrying heavy guns..
Admonitive :: Admonitive (a.) Admonitory.
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